Renowned author of eleven books Seth Godin, named "the prime minister of marketing" by Promo magazine, has been on a path of combining business and technology his entire life.
He designed his first game for a mainframe computer while still in high school, and while attending Tufts University he co-founded one of the largest student-run businesses in the U.S. After receiving his MBA from Stanford University he was named Brand Manager at Spinnaker Software, leading a 40 engineers team that developed over 60 first-generation multimedia products.
In 1995 he founded the breakthrough internet company Yoyodyne, which by 1998 became the top creator of direct mail and promotions on the web. Godin and his company were featured in The Wall Street Journal,, Wired, and Advertising Age. In 1998 Yoyodyne was sold to Yahoo!, with Seth taking over as Vice-president of Direct Marketing.
He is the author several books including New York Times best-seller "Permission Marketing", BusinessWeek best-seller "Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age", "Unleashing the Ideavirus", the most popular ebook ever published, and "The Big Red Fez", a guide to improving websites to turn prospects into consumers.
Seth followed with "Survival Is Not Enough" on how companies and their people can thrive on the chaos of the business world, "The Big Moo" on how to make a remarkable organization, Amazon best-seller "Purple Cow" on the value of standing out from the business herd, and "Free Prize Inside" on how to put "Purple Cow" thinking to work within an organization.
In his book "All Marketers are Liars", Godin reveals that today's consumers need more than traditional marketing, they need to be told a story about the product; if it feels authentic and fits the consumers' worldview, consumers will respond in an overwhelmingly positive way, creating successful business.