World Expert in Persuasion, Compliance and Negotiation

Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation.

His books including, Influence: Science & Practice, are the result of decades of peer-reviewed research on why people comply with requests. Influence has sold over 3 million copies, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in over 30 languages.

Because of the world-wide recognition of Dr. Cialdini’s cutting edge scientific research and his ethical business and policy applications, he is frequently regarded as the “Godfather of influence.”

Dr. Cialdini received his Ph.D from the University of North Carolina and post doctoral train-ing from Columbia University. He has held Visiting Scholar Appointments at Ohio State University, the University of California, the Annenberg School of Communications, and the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University. Currently, Dr Cialdini is Regents’ Pro-fessor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University.

Dr. Cialdini is CEO and President of INFLUENCE AT WORK; focusing on ethical influence training, corporate keynote programs, and the CMCT (Cialdini Method Certified Trainer) program.

Dr. Cialdini’s clients include such organizations as Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Bayer, Coca Cola, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Ericsson, Kodak, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide In-surance, Pfizer, AAA, Northern Trust, IBM, Prudential, The Mayo Clinic, GlaxoSmithKline, Harvard University – Kennedy School, The Weather Channel, the United States Depart-ment of Justice, and NATO.

  • Psychology

  • Influence and Persuasion

  • Marketing and Sales

  • Leadership

Influence: the ultimate power tool

What does scientific research tell us about the persuasive approaches that make people most likely to say yes to requests? How can we use this research ethically and effectively? Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the ground-breaking book, Influence, is your guide, translating the scientific research into practical business applications. His widely acclaimed studies are highly instructive to those who want to be more influential. Weaving compelling stories with evidence-based statistics makes this program memorable and immediately applicable. Here, Dr. Cialdini identifies and explains the universal principles of persuasion that move others toward yes.


    Influence during times of uncertainty

    In today's uncertain environment, the need for simultaneously effective and ethical influ-ence is necessary, pertinent, and now more vital than ever to our success. During this pro-found presentation, Dr. Robert Cialdini briefly reviews his research-based universal princi-ples of influence, but focuses on those that are most effective during conditions of uncer-tainty and that leaders can employ to bring about positive and lasting change among indi-viduals located both inside and outside their organizations. Dr. Robert Cialdini is your guide in translating highly relevant but poorly-understood scientific research into practical business applications.


      Leadership through the power of persuasion

      It is through the influence process that we lead, generate, and manage change. It can be employed to foster growth and to move people away from negative choices and in more positive directions, thereby creating the conditions for new opportunities. Or, it can be used clumsily, reducing the chance for genuine movement and, in the worst of cases, boomer-anging into conflict and resentment. Fortunately, a vast body of scientific evidence now exists on how, when, and why people say yes to influence attempts. Dr. Robert Cialdini extracts from this formidable body of work the universal principles of influence - those that are so powerful that they generate desirable change in the widest range of circumstances.


        Other programs and presentations by Dr. Cialdini

        • The power of "We"
        • Building Trust Through Influence
        • Yes! - Proven Ways for Managers to Become More Persuasive
        • Yes! - Proven Ways for Marketers to Become More Persuasive
        • Yes! - Proven Ways for Salespeople to Become More Persuasive