Political philosophy Professor, has taught the famous "Justice" course, one of the most highly attended in Harvard's history

  • Has been described as “perhaps the most prominent college professor in America,” “the most relevant living philosopher,” a “rock-star moralist”
  • Challenges audiences to examine the moral and ethical assumptions underlying the most hotly debated political and social issues
  • His latest book, The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?, was named a best book of the year by The Guardian, Bloomberg, New Statesman, The Times Literary Supplement, Le Point (Paris), and New Weekly (Beijing).
  • Sandel’s free online course “Justice” has been viewed by tens of millions of people
  • In What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, Sandel rethinks the role that markets should play in a democratic society and people’s lives

Harvard University professor of philosophy Michael Sandel has been described as a “philosopher with the global profile of a rock star,” known across the globe for his lively Socratic debates that aim to restore the lost art of respectful discussion. Sandel is the bestselling author of books on justice, ethics, democracy, and markets that have been translated into over 30 languages. Sandel has been a visiting professor at the Sorbonne, delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Oxford, served on the U.S. President’s Council on Bioethics, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. A graduate of Brandeis University, he received his doctorate from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

Sandel’s books—on justice, democracy, ethics, technology, and markets—have been translated into more than 30 languages. They include Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?; What Money Can’t Buy, and The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good?, which seeks a way beyond our polarized politics. A new edition of his classic book Democracy’s Discontent has been described as “essential--and ultimately hopeful--reading for all those who wonder if our democratic experiment will survive in the twenty-first century.”

Sandel’s legendary course “Justice,” one of the most popular in Harvard’s history, is freely available online and has been viewed by tens of millions. His BBC series The Global Philosopher engages participants from around the world in discussing the ethical issues lying behind the headlines. In this and other television, radio, and online programs, Sandel explores tech ethics, robots and AI, markets and morals, climate change, free speech, and other topical issues.

Sandel’s renowned interactive public lectures on the big civic questions of the day show how reasoned debate, leavened with humor and mutual respect, can produce dialogue across our differences.

A “master of life’s big questions” (Guardian), Sandel’s live events have packed St. Paul’s Cathedral (London), the Sydney Opera House (Australia), the Delacorte Theater in New York’s Central Park, and an outdoor stadium in Seoul (S. Korea), where 14,000 came to hear him speak.

Professor Sandel tailors each presentation to the needs of his audience and is not limited to the topics we have listed below:

  • Justice
  • The Tyranny of Merit
  • Political Philosophy
  • Bioethics
  • Moral and Ethical Dilemmas

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Will Tech Change What It Means to Be Human?

Harvard professor Michael Sandel leads compelling discussions on the benefits of AI alongside significant moral questions about identity and the essence of being human. Sandel questions whether technological advancements truly enhance our lives or risk commodifying human experiences, encouraging audiences to examine what constitutes a good life and how technology should promote human flourishing rather than detract from it.

Justice: An Interactive Debate

Michael Sandel has been said to foster “the best Socratic dialogues since Socrates.”

With the goal of restoring the lost art of democratic argument, he presents an open-ended, controversial question, and guides the audience through a civil exchange of ideas. Suspense builds as the microphone travels across the audience as you never know where the conversation will go. Audience members walk away energized and with a deeper understanding of the issues, having dissected perspectives from conflicting angles. Based on his world-renowned course at Harvard, this presentation is an opportunity for your audience to join together and think through the hard questions and ethical dilemmas of everyday life. The Justice experience is different with every audience and is highly customizable to your event. Dig deep into the topics that matter most to your audience, from broad issues like climate change, artificial intelligence, or affirmative action to more specific concerns like employee vs employer pay or the role media plays in our democracy.

A Better Public Discourse

Harvard’s Michael Sandel speaks directly to the urgent hunger in the United States and around the globe for a transformative kind of public discourse. Addressing the politics of grievance and the widening divide between elites and non-elites, Sandel brings a powerful message that resonates deeply today about how to foster a vibrant civic culture, driving meaningful change. We must repair the tears in the social fabric before it’s too late. In this talk, Sandel explores the roots of our polarization and suggests what we can do to reunite across differences to bring democracy back from the brink.

The Power of Values-Based Leadership

Harvard professor Michael Sandel challenges leaders to adopt values-based leadership—an essential framework for navigating today's complex landscape. Sandel inspires leaders to prioritize civility and active listening, calling them to action to unite and inspire others around a purpose-driven vision. His insights pave the way for creating a more ethical and engaged organizational culture, where everyone thrives.

Key takeaways from this talk include:

  • Defining Core Values: Effective leaders articulate their fundamental beliefs—integrity, honesty, respect, and accountability. These values are not just words; they are the guiding principles that shape decisions and drive actions.
  • Finding Authenticity: Values-based leaders practice what they preach. By embodying their principles, they cultivate trust and credibility, fostering deeper connections with their followers.
  • Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks: Sandel emphasizes the importance of considering the ethical implications of every choice. Leaders should prioritize the well-being of their teams, communities, and stakeholders over short-term gains.

Author Talk: 'The Tyranny of Merit'

In this presentation, Michael Sandel challenges the prevailing ideology of meritocracy and rejects our reliance on credentialism, following the framework of his book The Tyranny of Merit: Can We Find the Common Good? He argues for a reevaluation of values to create a more just society and heal the widening divide between so-called winners and losers.

We live in a world where hard work leads to success and prosperity—or so they say. The reality is that the odds are stacked in favor of the already fortunate, and those born without means will often work themselves to the bone only to barely scrape by. But the idea that we live in a meritocracy is driving misinformed attitudes about success. Society’s “winners” see their gains as borne from merit alone, discounting the role luck plays in their abundance. Those on the opposite end of the spectrum are blamed for their own misfortune, rather than being acknowledged as victims of circumstance.

Information on book buys and signings is available upon request.