Promoting more human companies, inspiring and driving action, based on his large experience as officer, consultant, coach, scholar and writer

  • Highly inspiring, driving and significant experiences of huge impact on every participant, aiming at the heart as well as the mind
  • Based on specific experiences in the world’s most important companies
  • Understanding how the human side of organizations is the key factor for success
  • Leading cultural transformation teams and generating specific results to reach the first place in the best companies to work with in Latin America
  • Having an ideal combination of executive, consulting, coaching and academic experience to boost a real meaningful change
  • Former Human Resources VP at Coca-Cola Latam Sur

General Director of Humanize Consulting

An internationally renowned lecturer, consultant and reference in matters regarding strategy and disruptive innovation in HR, the future of work, culture, talent, and leadership.

He was HR VP for Coca-Cola Latam Sur; HR and Change Management Manager in Molinos, Rio de la Plata; and Senior Consultant at Arthur Andersen.

Author of El futuro del trabajo y el trabajo del futuro (the future of work and the job of the future) (2017), Historias y Mitos de la Oficina (stories and myths of the office) (2015), ¿Por qué no? Cómo conseguir y desarrollar tu mejor trabajo (Why not? How to reach and develop your best work) (2012), Empresas (+) humanas (+ human companies) (2010), Empresas Depredadoras (predatory companies) (2006) and several articles and opinion columns on organizations, talent, leadership, and life balance in the main spheres.

Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Salamanca, San Andres and Di Tella. Visiting scholar of several education centers, colleges and universities.

Radio columnist in the Perros de la Calle show, Metro 95.1 radio station.

Certified Accountant and PhD in Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. Senior Coach (LLC-Fred Kofman). Executive Program, Singularity University (Silicon Valley-USA). HR Senior Executive Program, Michigan University (Ann Arbor, USA)

Alejandro tailors each presentation to the needs of his audience and is not limited to the topics listed below. Please ask us about any subject that interests you:

  • Disruptive innovation in HR
  • HR
  • Future of Work
  • Culture
  • Leadership

The Future of Work and the Job of the Future – The New Revolution

We live in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Changes are evident at social, technological, economic, political, environmental and demographic levels. The increase in life expectation, the irruption of women in the labor world, the integration of new generations, the globalization, the urban hyper concentration and the emergence of other business models are transforming societies and businesses. And changes are becoming more and more vertiginous.

What is the meaning of work? What are the new technologies and how these impact on the working activity? Within the context of the revolution 4.0, understanding the evolution of work is key when it comes to determine which types of jobs are disappearing, which are arising and which could be developed in the years to come.

Which industries are more likely to get developed and strengthened?

What abilities and skills must be added in order to capitalize the opportunities and get a more favorable position, redefining employment towards employability, i.e., the ability to have a job in a sustainable manner.

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and bring them into the present.

The Human Side of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a reality for most organizations. The failure rate in change processes is, however, continuously increasing.

Major global impact companies are experiencing an exponential growth – versus the traditional linear growth – based on certain key patterns: a transcendental purpose, external factors and internal factors; these are exponential organizations. What are the implications of digital transformation for persons? How to generate a transformational purpose that connects people, brands and customers?

What are the differences among adaptation, change and transformation? Transformation implies a meaningful change, with direction. In that context, one of the critical aspects of success is how to lead the process in an assertive manner and boost opportunities.

What is and what is not digital transformation? People and culture are variables that make the difference on how build based on the human factor considering the multiplicity of situations and being able to prepare an improvement-oriented strategy.

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and bring them into the present.

Exponential Leaders

Our current context challenges us to face permanent change and innovation cycles become shorter and shorter. How generate cultural transformations based on leaders who clearly understand the context and main trends of the digitalization era? Exponentiality versus linearity. The role and responsibility of leaders to boost it. How differentiate multiplier leaders from those who add, subtract or divide?

Agility has become a critical value and an omnipresent factor, establishing a matrix of consistency and agility to strengthen and develop leaders who are agents of change.

Understanding and analyzing the abilities of leaders in the era of the revolution 4.0.

Unconditional responsibility before challenges and the transformational power of people.

How to boost the exponential mentality?

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and generate personal and organizational commitments.

Innovating in Talent Management

Understanding the new context and main trends will allow us to adequately position ourselves in the real role that Human Resources must perform. How to go from Business Partners to Business Players? What are the expectations of a CEO with respect to Human Resources? How is a HR improvement-oriented strategy generated vis a vis the challenges we face in the 21st century? What are the world’s most successful companies doing? What is called the employee’s journey? What are the real moments in the collaborator’s experience? How to develop a high-impact value proposal for the employee? What will be the critical topics to pay attention to? How to develop an Employer Brand 4.0 and strengthen attributes and generate competitive advantages? Understanding and studying the highest impact initiatives and practices regarding talent and generating an unconditional commitment to the new role of Human Resources professionals.

What are the critical skills to produce an authentic impact on the business and how to develop them? Talent, culture, and abilities are the key aspects in managing people in the 21st century.

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and bring them into the present.

Intergeneration Connection in the Working Environment

Current business reality challenges us to integrate different generations of talent, from baby boomers to the millennials and even considering the centennials, who are already joining the labor market. What do we mean by generation? What are the distinctive characteristics of each one of them? How were they formed? What are their values? What are their expectations? What do they expect from work? Why does digitalization mark a barrier to be taken into consideration? How to motivate and integrate their approaches? Recent surveys show that diversity is the most important source of innovation. What to do to develop high-impact initiatives?

Based on the researches and the implementation of multiple cases, main trends and experiences regarding the generation of diverse and inclusive environments to boost innovation and sustained growth will be addressed. What are the appropriate strategies to work in a more productive manner with each one of them? How to integrate and complement them? How to generate commitment and passion?

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and develop specific initiatives.

How to Develop an Employer Brand 4.0?

What is an employer brand? Why is it important? In the new talent competitive context, developing a comprehensive digital employer brand strategy and boosting it through each one of the channels is increasingly more important. How to develop a comprehensive digital experienced-based strategy? What are the constituent factors? What is the process to generate a digital employer brand? What elements must be taken into consideration? Who is going to prepare and activate it? Internal and external factors, main stakeholders and how to get through each one of them in the most effective manner.

The significance of the experience of the current collaborator, the candidate and the former employee; the positioning and its options; the brand measurement matrix; expectations versus reality: moments of truth; how to strengthen attributes and generate competitive advantages.

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and generate definite plans

Towards a ‘Full Life Integrated’ Culture (Life Balance)

Outlooks of our own work and others’ work; what do we work for? The 5Ps+A of work motivations; myths and realities with respect to Life Balance.

Working stress, concept, sources and emerging aspects; challenges for persons and companies; evolution of the concept from Life Balance to Full Life Integrated; the core aspects of a full life integrated; discomfort versus well-being; the health triangle; different areas of well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

From diagnosis to proposals: How to encourage a life balance culture; the leaders’ role; the responsibility of each collaborator; personal strategies; organizational strategies; main lessons learnt based on developed implementations; best practices by best companies.

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and generate specific strategies.

More Human Leaders

New context in leadership and the need for more humanity; main characteristics of the new leadership

The strategy-operations-culture-people matrix; how to impact on behaviors based on leaders’ values?

The Harvard leadership model: Good versus magnificent; the strategic leadership and its characteristics; the challenge of strategic acting.

Complete attention and listening; lessons on leadership and humbleness as a key factor for success; new indicators: sparkling eyes and the significance of the last words.

The mark of leadership in the 21st century

Which are the most valued capacities and skills with the greatest impact? How to develop them and put them into action?

Multiple real-life examples and the recent developments from the best educational centers on the matter in order to envisage potential future scenarios and generate real actions.

  • Travels From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Fee Range: USD 10.000 to USD 15.000

*Fee Range:

Fee ranges listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline. Please note: if a speaker has a fee range listed such as USD $20,000-$40,000, it indicates that the fee falls within that range. Speakers’ fees are subject to change without notice. Fees often vary based on several factors, including speaker’s availability, length of presentation, supply and demand, and event location, among others. Please contact us with your specific event details and requirements, and we will provide you with a precise quote.